Feeling Unwell

Wed 14 Nov, 2007 at 5:26 pm 6 comments

Can someone help me please. Preferably a doctor! (queue the jokes about everyone knowing I have needed one of those for years, but not that type of Doctor I mean a G.P.) I am feeling unwell. Have I got the cold or do I have the flu? In Canada and the UK these terms seem to mean something different.

In Canada, the cold seems to be “having the sniffles.” Having the flu is what we in Northern Ireland would call “a really bad cold.” The flu is something that wipes you out completely.

So do I have the cold, or the flu? here are my symptoms

1. I have felt nauseous and have been unable to eat

2. Very sore throat

3. Sleep has been disturbed

4. I have been running a temperature

5. Muscle aches

So trusty wikipedia to the rescue. They say I have the symptoms of the common cold. All except the fever – which is a symptom of influenza. Sadly wikipedia complicates things here. They say loss of appetite and vomiting (which is one of my symptoms) could be gastroenteritis. Although I am ruling that one out, because I do not have other symptoms associated with it.

Which brings me back to the original question. Do I have a cold or the flu? I am going to self diagnose the flu. Are there any budding Dr. House types out there wanting to tell me the difference between the two?

Ok back to lying in bed feeling sorry for myself!

Entry filed under: Random thoughts.

Baby Update Tasered @ YVR

6 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Katie  |  Thu 15 Nov, 2007 at 2:43 am

    if you are vommiting then I say you have the flu and you should get to the doctor. Otherwise…buck up! 😉

  • 2. mac  |  Thu 15 Nov, 2007 at 3:17 pm

    Well…if it is the cold or the flu, you are out of medicinal luck. Both are viruses and only pain killer and fever reduction therapy will be helpful for you (plus of course the bog standard home remedies like soup, juice, and rest). You must wait for the virus to be killed by your immune system before you get better.

  • 3. timothycairns  |  Thu 15 Nov, 2007 at 4:05 pm

    I am currently taking “Life” brand “extra strength” Total Cold and Flu or Total rhume et grippe. Seems to stop the old nose running!

  • 4. melissa  |  Thu 15 Nov, 2007 at 8:14 pm

    you’ve got the flu. fever and nausea would point that direction. but ya, most of those over the counter stuff do nothing for me so good luck! one option to clear your head though if you’re nose is driving you nuts — nasal irrigation. its gross but it helps to clear the crap out. they’ll have kits for it in the pharmacy.

    btw — either way… don’t give your bug to your lovely wife 🙂

  • 5. timothycairns  |  Fri 16 Nov, 2007 at 6:38 pm

    nasal irrigation hmmmmmm sounds like a funtime! and no Jen has so far avoided the illness

  • 6. Sylvia Cairns  |  Sat 17 Nov, 2007 at 10:45 am

    Glad you have such a good wife who knows what helps YOU when your ill – good old fashioned remedy from Northern Ireland -farola!!Trust you’ll soon feel better!


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